Sunday, February 18, 2024

Prompt Response: Week Six

 Hi Y'all

One of my favorite genres for designing displays is romance! It's probably due to me being a hopeless romantic, but the more romance, the better! I feel like so many people have strong feelings about romance display, both positive and negative. Displays like Blind Date with a Book inspire readers to be advantageous but can lose a lot of traction when the prompts are not explained properly. Plus, non-advantageous readers worry about books that they cannot connect with. 

This is why I want to display that is clear and precise in its meaning: Where's My Shirt display. This fun display will shock and delight our adult readers. Female readers will understand what they are getting while also appreciating a frank display of romance books. Male readers would think it's funny and might get them for their partner or friends as a joke (or a serious understanding of the reader's wants). It is also a display that is clear for our adults and allows them to feel like we are focusing on them. Romance is an area that adults want to feel a personal connection to as well as an appreciation of the wants. But most of all: it's fun!



A Barnes and Noble romantic book display where the covers have characters with no shirts. (n.d.). Pinterest. Retrieved from 

Bloglovin’. (2019). Diary No. 7 (The College Prepster). Pinterest. Retrieved from 

Schillemore, T. (n.d.). Romance library book display. Pinterest. Pinterest. Retrieved from 


  1. Hi Sydney! I agree with your sentiment that displays and prompts need to be understandable to patrons- especially considering our non-adventurous readers. Blind Date with a book actually didn't go over very well at our library (people showed interest in looking at it, but didn't check them out!). I wonder what steps or details would make it more effective? Proabably exactly what you're suggesting- just make displays that are very straightforward!

  2. Hi Sydney, I love the "Dude, Where's my Shirt?" display idea! Hilarious and I bet patrons would think so too. I've never tried to do a blind date with a book just because it seems like it would be time consuming. Wrapping each book and making sure the barcode gets on the front, but it is a cute idea!


Week 15 Prompt: Marketing your library's fiction collection

 Hi y'all,  All these marketing techniques not only promote collections and patron participation but also showcase the library's res...